Tags : JavaScript Intro


Methods are used when you want to perform an action on something.

Let's fire up the console in Chrome (mac/linux alt + command + j or windows control + shift + j).

var exampleString = "I burnt my toast today";

// let's call the method slice on string


// the numbers inside slice "0,1" are telling slice to get the characters from the position 0
// of the string and up to 1 but not including it.
// Otherwise slice would return "I " not just "I".  Notice the spaces are counted.
// These are also known as arguments.  Inputs that give instructions for methods to perform certain actions.

// The slice method will return "I"


// The slice method will return "burnt"

// try it out, see if you can slice "toast"

// Now let's try the method toFixed() on a number.
// toFixed() returns the numbers as a string keeping the decimals places if an argument is provided.

var exampleNumber = 4.25;


> "4"

// now let's add an argument to it.  


> "4.2500"

Try the following in your Chrome console:

  • Declare a string in a variable name of your choosing. (e.g var tooMuch = "blah")
  • Use slice to get any words out of the sentence. Play around about it with it.
  • Declare a number in a variable. Use the toFixed() method on it. Remember the toFixed() method is only available if you are using it on a number.
  • Use the toString() on your number variable to return it's value as a string.